Sunday, October 4, 2009

Take that, me!

Jesus kicked me square in the face today.

I have lately become bored with going to church on Sunday. We wake up, make ourselves pretty, sing some songs, sit in a chair, say hi to people, leave, and continue with our sinful lives. Woo.

This morning, I was sitting in the college group, just waiting for it to be over. I was contemplating all the things that the group of people that were there could be doing to advance the Kingdom of God more than just sitting and talking. It was close to being done, when we went into the main service for what we thought would be the last 10 minutes or so of service. The pastor was talking about baptism. He abruptly walked up and stepped into the baptistery and simply said "I know that there are many people in this room that have not been baptized. Why not do it today?"

Such a simple question. 33 people were baptized in just that one church service. 33 people found the meaning of life.

Nothing is more important than that.

See ya,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: Die To Yourself

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