Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Man of a Million Names

This is something I've always wanted to do.

I'm going to list all the names/nicknames that I can remember having. There's not really a point, I just thought it would be amusing. Let's get started.

1. Kyle-Pretty much used by blood relatives only.
2. Fox-Very popular, used by mostly everyone. This what I introduce myself as.
3. Kyle Fox
4. KYLEFOX!- Emily and Haley's.
5. Foxy/Foxxy- Also popular.
6. Foxamillion- This guy Daniel on my dorm floor calls me this.
7. Foxybear- Originally used by Anna. Me and Chris also used it when we were revising the song Guy Love from Scrubs. Sydnee and Fae kept it going.
8. Fox Man- Nicole's.
9. Dr. Foxy Loxy- Woody Wilkinson, one of my professors.
10. Starfox
11. Ky
12. Kyle Smile- My mom.
13. Mr. Fox
14. Kyle(whata)Fox- This used to be my name in Emily and Rachels' phones. It might still be. It's a personal favorite of mine.

That's all I can remember, but I know there's more.

With Love,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: Steve Miller Band