Saturday, October 10, 2009

An "Abbreviated" Life

I pretty much only remember one specific thing that was said at my Dad's funeral:

"Pete lived an abbreviated life."

What I take from this statement is that my father died before his life fully happened. That makes no sense. I firmly believe that every single thing that happens on this earth happens for a reason. I don't believe we were ever given a certain time that we are "supposed" to live.

What I do believe is that living for even one second in this amazing place called earth is more than we ever deserve. I will try and will fail to praise God enough for this miracle.

At chapel on Tuesday, Mark Moore preached about the burden of money. He talked about tithing, the practice of giving ten percent of all income to the church. Upon reflection, I came to the conclusion that tithing is meaningless if not done with a sincere heart and feeling of joy.

God doesn't want our money. He doesn't want us to sit in a building on Sunday morning. He wants us to love him, and to love enough that we cant contain it, and have to tell others about him. That's the sole purpose of life.

No matter how long yours turns out to be.

Catch ya on the flip side,

Fox out

Currently listening to: The Wedding

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