Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Nerdiness is Public Knowledge

Ozark is starting to become more of a home. I think one of the biggest factors of this realization is that I've already become somewhat accustomed to where roads are in this town.

I found out today that somebody I love very much needs to have another surgery. Please keep her in your prayers. Speaking of prayer, my personal prayer habits have become exponentially better in the last week. I've realized that praying out loud is very conducive to the process; it forces me to focus on the things that Jesus already knows about.

A comic shop opened up two weeks after I moved here, something that gives me assurance that this is where I am supposed to be. I went on my weekly comic run, and happened to walk in when reporters from the local newspaper were interviewing the owner. I got my picture taken when I was looking through the selection, and answered a few questions about the shop.

I'm taking the midwest by storm.


Fox out.

Currently listening to: D.A.G.

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