Monday, September 28, 2009

My Musical Endeavor

I've always considered myself a musical connoisseur of sorts. Well I've decided that starting today, I will dedicate each day to a band/artist that I've never heard before.

My plan is to listen to as much of their music I can find on Imeem, and then at the end of the day, decide whether or not the artist in question is worth listening to on a regular basis.

Today, for example, I'm reviewing a band called Hope For the Dying. From what I've listened to, they are pretty decent. I'm pretty excited to expand my musical library, and hopefully find a sound that I've never heard before. If you guys know something that I may have never heard before, let me know.

Live long and prosper,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: Hope for the Dying

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A femur...or maybe an ulna?

I have a bone to pick. With myself.

I sincerely believe I need to shut the eff up and listen more often. I need to live a life of prayer. I need to slow down and wallow in the beauty of this earth. I need to start praising Jesus more than dumping my worries on him. I need to stop caring about money. I need to read God's word everyday.

I've witnessed in this life that people tend to blame God for the bad things that happen to them, and praise themselves when good things happen to them. Shut up. You didn't do anything. The fact that you are even alive deserves more thanks than it is humanly possible to give.


Fox out.

Current listening to: Coheed and Cambria.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Nerdiness is Public Knowledge

Ozark is starting to become more of a home. I think one of the biggest factors of this realization is that I've already become somewhat accustomed to where roads are in this town.

I found out today that somebody I love very much needs to have another surgery. Please keep her in your prayers. Speaking of prayer, my personal prayer habits have become exponentially better in the last week. I've realized that praying out loud is very conducive to the process; it forces me to focus on the things that Jesus already knows about.

A comic shop opened up two weeks after I moved here, something that gives me assurance that this is where I am supposed to be. I went on my weekly comic run, and happened to walk in when reporters from the local newspaper were interviewing the owner. I got my picture taken when I was looking through the selection, and answered a few questions about the shop.

I'm taking the midwest by storm.


Fox out.

Currently listening to: D.A.G.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Boatman 3rd

This place is awesome.

I just got back from the floor devotional that we did tonight. It was very cool. We prayed together, took communion together, and sang praises together. Ive been spending a lot of time with the guys on the floor of my dorm, playing video games, eating, doing whatever, and I kind of forgot that these guys are Jesus followers too. Tonight fully reminded me of that fact. Martin wasn't there, because he is a sinner.

I'm getting to like Ozark more and more as time goes on. The homework here doesn't really seem like actual work, because its stuff that matters. Studying for a test brings me closer to God.

Tomorrow night is the first night that I'm going to volunteer at The Bridge. I'm very excited to start getting to know the kids from around town. Hopefully those relationships will be long lasting and I can lead them to Jesus.


Fox out.

Currently listening to: Demon Hunter

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Maybe its just me, but the "fun" things of this world are actually pretty stupid.

In my life, I've always striven to be an individual. This is why I started following Jesus. I was looking for what the cool thing at school was, determined to do the opposite. Since when has it been popular amongst the High School population to be a Christian?

I've frequently heard stories of the "party life", as its called, and quite frankly, its disgusting. I can't comprehend what the selling point of getting drunk and high and then having sex with a girl I don't know is. Is it the alcohol poisoning? Overdosing? STD's? If you can shed some light on this subject for me, please do. It seems to me like the main idea is: The less you can remember about a night, the better it was.

That's retarded. Spending money on alcohol just seems like you are intentionally funding the guilt that ensues after getting drunk. Smoking anything (even cigarettes) says to me, "Eff you God. I know you gave me this body, but I'd rather destroy it. It's more fun that way."

But maybe I'm wrong.


Fox Out.

Currently listening to: Weezer

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Minty Fresh

I brush my teeth a lot.

I started my classes here at Ozark a little over a week ago, and I'm happy to report that they are all pretty awesome. I've decided to give you a little overview of a typical school day for me. I'll use a Tuesday schedule, as it is one of the busier days.

6:00 AM: Wake up, reach over, set alarm for 6:30 A.M.
6:30 AM: Wake up, and lie in bed for the next five minutes, previewing the day's schedule.
6:35 AM: Get out of bed, put on clothes, eat breakfast*, brush teeth, review memory verses.
6:50 AM: Leave for my first class.
7:00 AM: First class of the day: Christ and the Bible with Woody Wilkinson. This class is my least favorite, only because of the fact that it starts at SEVEN IN THE MORNING. Other than that, its pretty enjoyable. The teacher is funny and passionate about what he teaches. One of the best things about Woody is that he reminds us everyday that he prays for us and loves us very much, and you can't not believe him.
7:50 AM: Leave Christ and the Bible and head to Acts.
8:00 AM: Second class of the day: Acts with Chris Dewelt. This is class is pretty cool. Dewelt is a tall weird looking guy who likes to make lame jokes and then laugh at them a lot. He also likes to call the class "Christian", as in: "You're going to be asked some tough questions in the future, Christian... are you ready?"
8:50 AM: Leave Acts and make my way to Christian Life.
9:00 AM: Third class of the day: Christian Life with Matt Proctor. This is my favorite class. For one, it has the lightest workload of the bunch. For another, the teacher is freakin' awesome. He is the President of Ozark, and knows what he is talking about. Every class is more a sermon than a lecture.
9:50 AM: Leave Acts and go to Chapel.
10:00 AM: Chapel is mandatory every Tuesday. I know it sounds lame, being required to go to church, but its really not that bad. It usually consists of worship and a sermon.
11:15 AM: Leave chapel and head for History of the Old Testament.
11:25 AM: Last class of the day: History of the Old Testament with Gary Zustiak, mostly known as "Zeus". Although the title of this class may give the impression that is boring, in reality it is quite the opposite. We have already begun to discuss evolution and reasons for believing and disbelieving what the Bible says about the creation of the Earth. This is the class that I have really learned the most.
12:15 PM: Lunch time. The food is actually pretty good.
1:00 PM: Head back to the dorm, brush teeth, take a half-hour nap.
1:30 PM: Wake up, brush teeth, write out any memory verses for the next day on note cards and begin to study them. Find what needs to be read for the next day's lectures and read it. Hang with other guys in the dorm, play video games, check my mail.
5:00 PM: Dinner.
5:45 PM: Head back to the Dorm, brush teeth, find something to do.
9:00 PM: Bible study with Elisa.
11:00 PM: Shower, brush teeth.
11:30 PM: Go to bed.

Not to exciting, but that's basically the definition of Joplin.


Fox out.

Currently listening to: He Is Legend