Saturday, October 31, 2009

Future's Bright, Man

Dont get me wrong.

I love college. But I cant wait til it's over. Im very excited for my future youth ministry. I constantly come up with ideas for it. Sermons, activitiyes, service projects... so much that needs to be done. I'm going to be the most sicknasty youth pastor ever.

Happy Halloween,

Fox Out

Currently listening to: Metallica

Sunday, October 25, 2009

12 Hours So Far

I took a short break from writing one of my research papers to get down a quick thought:

I hate writing research papers.

Back to the grind,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: Job For A Cowboy

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Man of a Million Names

This is something I've always wanted to do.

I'm going to list all the names/nicknames that I can remember having. There's not really a point, I just thought it would be amusing. Let's get started.

1. Kyle-Pretty much used by blood relatives only.
2. Fox-Very popular, used by mostly everyone. This what I introduce myself as.
3. Kyle Fox
4. KYLEFOX!- Emily and Haley's.
5. Foxy/Foxxy- Also popular.
6. Foxamillion- This guy Daniel on my dorm floor calls me this.
7. Foxybear- Originally used by Anna. Me and Chris also used it when we were revising the song Guy Love from Scrubs. Sydnee and Fae kept it going.
8. Fox Man- Nicole's.
9. Dr. Foxy Loxy- Woody Wilkinson, one of my professors.
10. Starfox
11. Ky
12. Kyle Smile- My mom.
13. Mr. Fox
14. Kyle(whata)Fox- This used to be my name in Emily and Rachels' phones. It might still be. It's a personal favorite of mine.

That's all I can remember, but I know there's more.

With Love,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: Steve Miller Band

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Territory

When I think Fox, I think single. I'm pretty sure you do too.

I've had a total of two girlfriends in my life, one was a good decision, one was not. Compared to some guys I know, my dating life seems pretty much nonexistent. I don't mind this, as I don't really put much importance or effort in this kinda stuff.

But lately, my mind has been blowing up with confusion. There are two girls that I am very interested in. I've known both for years, one since 7th grade, the other since sophomore year. They're both amazing girls.I've been praying a lot on the subject and have yet to come to any conclusions.

I'm coming back home to Arizona on November 20th and I can't be anymore excited. I miss everyone so much. I'm probably not going to want to come back.


Fox out.

Currently listening to: Closure In Moscow

Saturday, October 10, 2009

An "Abbreviated" Life

I pretty much only remember one specific thing that was said at my Dad's funeral:

"Pete lived an abbreviated life."

What I take from this statement is that my father died before his life fully happened. That makes no sense. I firmly believe that every single thing that happens on this earth happens for a reason. I don't believe we were ever given a certain time that we are "supposed" to live.

What I do believe is that living for even one second in this amazing place called earth is more than we ever deserve. I will try and will fail to praise God enough for this miracle.

At chapel on Tuesday, Mark Moore preached about the burden of money. He talked about tithing, the practice of giving ten percent of all income to the church. Upon reflection, I came to the conclusion that tithing is meaningless if not done with a sincere heart and feeling of joy.

God doesn't want our money. He doesn't want us to sit in a building on Sunday morning. He wants us to love him, and to love enough that we cant contain it, and have to tell others about him. That's the sole purpose of life.

No matter how long yours turns out to be.

Catch ya on the flip side,

Fox out

Currently listening to: The Wedding

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Take that, me!

Jesus kicked me square in the face today.

I have lately become bored with going to church on Sunday. We wake up, make ourselves pretty, sing some songs, sit in a chair, say hi to people, leave, and continue with our sinful lives. Woo.

This morning, I was sitting in the college group, just waiting for it to be over. I was contemplating all the things that the group of people that were there could be doing to advance the Kingdom of God more than just sitting and talking. It was close to being done, when we went into the main service for what we thought would be the last 10 minutes or so of service. The pastor was talking about baptism. He abruptly walked up and stepped into the baptistery and simply said "I know that there are many people in this room that have not been baptized. Why not do it today?"

Such a simple question. 33 people were baptized in just that one church service. 33 people found the meaning of life.

Nothing is more important than that.

See ya,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: Die To Yourself