Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Time in a Long Time

Today was a day of firsts for me.

Well, more like "first time in a long times". I had classes in school. I prayed on my own. I started a bible reading plan. I did homework. I won a game of pool. I'll let you decide which of these are more important than the others.

I've had the intention of starting a blog for about five months now, mainly because I have a lot of opinions I want to share with whoever has a few extra minutes in their day and the willingness to listen to what I have to say. However few of you there are, I'd like to take a few words here to make a simple plea. If you have nothing to pray for, pray for me; because I definitely need it. Please pray that I can keep things that I've started today going.

I'm struggling with some things right now. Lust continually plagues me. Hatred is slowly creeping into my mind. Procrastination is already starting to rear its ugly head. I pledge to you that I will pray for you daily, and if there are any specific things for me to address, let me know.

Keep it real,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: System of a Down

1 comment:

  1. first of all, i super love that you always say "fox out"
    second, i pinky promise that i will pray for you because i super love you :)
