Saturday, August 22, 2009


I’m going to be straight with you.

I took me at least 36 minutes to devise a way to start the second post of my blogging career with a snappy or clever remark that will communicate that I’ve got it all together. Around minute 37 I realized that I’m a terrible human being. I’ve been on campus for three days, and for the entirety of those three days I have failed Jesus. I haven’t read my bible. I haven’t prayed (except for the “mandatory” meal prayers). As soon as I meet a guy, I begin to silently and swiftly judge him based purely on his outward appearance, and compare myself to the results I find. If I see a member of Ozark’s female populace, I have, within 10 seconds, rated her based on a select few characteristics, all of which are physically-based and entirely unimportant.

Understandably, this revelation destroyed my joyful mood. I was “down in the dumps”, as the kids say these days. But I decided to stop and listen intently, just to hear what I could hear. A singular voice seemed to be calling to me. The voice clearly said “Despite these stupid things you do, I will always be there. I won’t leave you. You will get distracted by the shiny things in life, and I’ll always be here for you when you find your senses again.”

It was Rihanna.


Fox out.

Currently listening to: Billy Talent

1 comment:

  1. So you heard my voice? It's true, I will always be there.

    Love Chris
