Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Immaturity of War

War is an abomination.

Today at chapel, the speaker, Terry Bowland, put this picture on the screen, accompanied by the words "God is not a Pacifist!"

A line I remember from his sermon goes like this: "I have no problem with Christians taking up arms to protect his fellow man." He may not have a problem with it, but I'm pretty certain Jesus does. By his own admission, Jesus' second greatest command is "Love your neighbor as yourself." He doesn't say "Love your neighbor, but only if they believe what you believe and look like you". I don't think Jesus' love is demonstrated very well by shooting someone in the face.

In my eyes, war is never necessary. Never. It is simply an act of immaturity. To quote the great Ryan Clark of Demon Hunter fame, "The weak of the mind will use fist, the fist of the frail will bring gun, the loudest of guns provoke bombs, and in wrath he will chase 'til its done." Jesus says we should be slow to anger, and I believe that encompasses a wide spectrum of circumstances, from someone saying something behind your back, to planes being flown into buildings.

Love. It's the easiest and hardest thing to do.

Good day,

Fox out.

Currently listening to: Prize Fighter Inferno

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